“The worlds smartest payment machines”
‘Reduce or even remove revenue loss through having total real-time remote visibility and control of your parking machine estate’
Beacon exclusively supply Global Parking Machines to the UK market; The Global parking machine embodies the innovation which BPS sought to deliver to the
UK market – it’s unique features:
‘No more loss through Theft or vandalism’:
All Global payment machines come with a Real Time Anti-Theft and Vandalism alerting system which detects subtle vibration, tipping or attempted forced entry and alerts pre selected users in REAL TIME via Email or Text alerts. Dramatically reduce your losses
‘Digital locks which prevent snapped keys or key theft’:
All Global machines come with digital locks as standard which means no more cash collectors snapping keys in locks and no-one walking away with your keys….
All digital locks are remotely configurable from the ‘Ezicom’ Global back office system, giving you total redundancy and control at all times.
‘Real time back office reporting giving you total visibility of every Global machine in your estate’:
All Global Parking machines constantly speak to its unique machine back office system ‘Ezicom’. View the exact cash total’s per coin, per machine, all pending faults with full diagnostic analysis.
‘Small and perfectly formed’:
The Global payment machine has the smallest footprint of any full featured parking machine on the market
‘Unique product integrations’:
As well as providing simple and efficient pay and display functionality, Global payment machines integrate fully with ANPR Pay by Plate systems, pay by phone and pay by space bay sensor systems.
- Fully automated
- A major step forward from standard Pay and Display in terms of ease and speed of use
- Payment machines can be located at pedestrian exits meaning less payment machines being required on-site
- 24/7 operation if desired by the client
- Can integrate with other Beacon technology – ANPR and Sensors to create an end to end parking management solution
- Web based reporting: displaying customer volumes, revenue generated, average stay times and much more